Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Double Page Spread Update

Hi guys this is my double page spread right now. I have removed the text as I am currently rewriting my article to make it longer and to correct any grammatical mistakes in it. I am experimenting with this background as it is slightly similar to a double page spread I was influenced by. Once the text is re written I will test it on the background to see how readable it is, and to see how it looks. I still also need to add a few more features to my DPS after I have added the text.
Contents Page Update

Hey readers. I still need to change my photos and take some new ones, however this is my contents page as it stands. I have changed it a lot since my rough cut and I think that after I get my photos sorted then it will look quite good. I am going to add a photo of some equipment in the bottom left and then two studio shots of artists in the empty space. I am also going to seperate these photos with white lines to divide them, I will put the page number that the photo relates to on the photo also.
Double Page Spread idea update

Hello guys, quick update here. I have taken influence from this mixmag magazine as it is very easy to read and it and in my opinion looks  great. I like how the cross on the page with the text matches the crosses in the image background. I will attempt to replicate this as my double page spread features a very prominent "Z" that could be manipulated into backgrounding my text.
Peer Project review

Hi there, a fellow student has peer reviewed my work and this image shows their comments. I will work on the negatives that they have set.

Double Page Spread Rough Cut

Hello viewers, here is my double page spread for my rough cut. I like it however it needs changes, I need to add another column of text. The transparent purple overlay and the white text also do not work as the text is hard to see. I am happy with my picture though but I will be changing this page
Contents Page Rough Cut

Hi again guys, this is my contents page rough cut. I had problems with a faulty font so when I exported my file all of the font resized and got all messed up. I had no pictures for my rough cut as I was rushed with time.
Front Cover Rough Cut

Hey guys this is my front cover rough cut, I've taken influence form the magazines that I have researched. I am personally very happy with my front cover and don't think I will have loads of work to do before my final cut.

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Double Page Spread Rough Sketch
  This is roughly what I want my Double page spread to look like.

Friday, 24 March 2017

Double page spread - Joris voorn

Joris Voorn is pictured in casual clothing while in a leather chair, this is a simple combination but it shows importance. He is looking straight at the camera, the photo is also a long shot. To his right in white is a quote that he has said which effectively pulls our eyes towards the right side of the page.

The title is large, bold and underlined and the stars name is red, which shows significance. The text is set out in 4 columns and is black on a white background. There is also a drop capital to start the article off. Amongst the text inbetween the second and third paragraph is a small photo of Joris clapping, this photo is angled and has a caption.

I will put a quote on the side of my page with the photo as I believe it was used very effectively here.

Thursday, 23 March 2017

Raveline magazine- Daft Punk

Hi guys,

In the DJ genre the artists often like to wear masks and hide their identity. They do this so that it prompts the audience to focus mainly on the skill and talent.  The background is all black so the text is therefore white, this makes the whole magazine slightly brighter because it is mainly dark. one of the duos head is in the middle of the split, I personally wont do this as I don't think it looks as good as it could. The title is simply there logo and is in a odd position not the usual top of the page. This double page spread is very minimalist which I think suits it and works well. I will try to keep my double page spread minimalist also.

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

DJ magazine - Brooklyn calling

Hello there,

This magazine yet again follows the image on one page and the text on another, I will definitely replicate this in my magazine.  The gold colouring on the title matches the models outfits. The text columns are set in 3 columns. They are separated by small paragraphs which are titled in the same colour as the title, a sharp gold. This shows a new topic since the colour represents significance. The drop capital matches the title colour also.

Underneath the title there is a small paragraph that gives a general rundown on who "Brooklyn Calling" are. The models are posed in a long show and are both fully in frame. Their outfits are ... old fashioned and one of them is wearing a mask.

I will give my magazine a drop capital as it is common among this genre of magazines.
mixmag double page spread - The shogun saga

The main image dominates the whole left hand side of the magazine, "Shogun" is dressed in casual clothing. The main title is written in a bold stylistic font which draws attention towards it. Then there is a small teaser underneath the title.

The text takes up the other side of the page and there is a huge drop capital. The text is a relatively plain font and is a small size allowing there to be lots of it. It is split into small paragraphs. The colour of the background allows the white font to show through quite well.

On the far right there is a an overview for every song on Shoguns new album. It has its own column and the song titles are bold and a large size.

I will copy the layout of text on one side and image on the other, I like how the title is on the page with the image.

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

mixmag double page spread- The Duke Abides

Duke Abides

For the layout the model is on one side of the page and then on the other side there is the text and title. The text has been placed over a transparent box so that you can still see the background through it. Since the text is white it is easy enough to read on the black transparent box.

The fact that he is "The Duke" is shown through his outfit as he is wearing a suit as well as the location of the shot. The location is most likely an older style house with a classic staircase in which he is posing on, in an almost noble like way as his title would suggest

There are two columns of text which are separated by tiny dotted lines, no page number is visible. The title is relatively plain however it stands out and is dominant among the page due to its colouring and size. Then underneath the title there is a tiny pull quote from the article.

I like the layout a lot with the overlay on one side and the image on the other. I think the amount of text is also just right.

Monday, 13 March 2017

Here is a very rough sketch of what I currently want my contents page to look like. I have modeled it on the common features of contents pages in my genre and from what I think looks good.
Mixmag Contents Page- November 2011

This is a darker contents page with white text allowing it to stand out. I like how the date is in a gold as it contrasts the page numbers on the left. The images are also relatively bright which makes them show among the darker background. The female models bright makeup also stands out massively and draws your eyes towards her and therefore the centre of the page.

I will try to replicate the placement layout of this magazine as it is common and looks very professional.

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

DJ  Contents Page 2

This contents page follows the standard "DJ Magazine" format. It uses appropriate colopurs to show important parts. The numbers in the picture also show which page to turn to if you want to read more which is a nice feature in my opinion.

I like the way the page numbers are in a separate column and are separate from the text as this make it more clear to read. I will try to replicate this feature as I feel it looks more proffesional. I dont like how some of the text is in a light colour with the light background as it makes it look less important as it is harder to read.
DJ - Contents Page

This Contents page is quite busy and there is a lot going on. There is a large amount of images and text. The colours that show the topics are clear however and this makes it easier to read. This contents page is much brighter than the previous 2 which allows them to have darker photos.

There is a little description about the features which is helpful for the reader as it gives a short rundown of it. A section of equipment is also included which appeals to the DJ readers.

I like the photo placement in the bottom left, I may also replicate the small rundown for my features.

Monday, 6 March 2017

Mixmag Contents Page January 2011

Image result for mixmag contents page

The model for this magazine is also a female , like the last contents page. This one however is brighter and the image is relatively colourful, whereas the background is quite dark. The image dominates the contents.

The page features a website link in the bottom left, it also features the date on which the magazine has been released for. The features are in a bright white which contrasts the black and stands out making it easier to read.

I will have a female model for my magazine and try to make the image colourful and bright. I will also try to have a similar number of features as I like how minimalist it is.