Tuesday, 9 May 2017


Hey guys, Well this is the end of my project and here is my evaluation. I'm very happy with how it turned out. Below is a link to my evaluation presentation.

Monday, 24 April 2017

Finished Double Page Spread

The picture above is showing my rough cut and below is my finished double page spread. As you can see the text is relatively hard to read in the article so I changed this by removing the transparent box I had behind the text and replaced it with white that covered one side of the double page. This allowed me to change my font colour to black which made it far easier to read. I also had a lack of text in my rough cut due to time so I was able to fix that by bulking out my article and adding a small introduction. On the right of my finished double page spread I added a pull quote from my article  as I did not like the blank space above my model as it looked to plain.

Finished Contents Page

This was my rough cut contents page to the right and I have placed it alongside my finished contents page to show it's progression. On the right in my rough cut you can see the lack of photos as well as the lack of actual features. I had also suffered a font problem when I submitted the file and made the mistake of not checking it.

However below in my finished contents page,  I was able to rectify the font problem by reinstalling and deleting the font. I was also able to implement more colour into the page as my rough cut was massively lacking colour. I added a regulars column as this was a prominent convention of the magazines that I used for my research.  Another convention that I noticed was the page number being placed in the image itself so as you can see I replicated this. I then included an instrument/tech as this was also common in DJ magazines.

Finished Front Cover

Hey guys just to keep you updated this is my finished front cover, it has not changed much from my rough cut. It has included all of the conventions of the magazines that I researched, and I am very pleased with it.

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Double Page Spread Update

Hi guys this is my double page spread right now. I have removed the text as I am currently rewriting my article to make it longer and to correct any grammatical mistakes in it. I am experimenting with this background as it is slightly similar to a double page spread I was influenced by. Once the text is re written I will test it on the background to see how readable it is, and to see how it looks. I still also need to add a few more features to my DPS after I have added the text.
Contents Page Update

Hey readers. I still need to change my photos and take some new ones, however this is my contents page as it stands. I have changed it a lot since my rough cut and I think that after I get my photos sorted then it will look quite good. I am going to add a photo of some equipment in the bottom left and then two studio shots of artists in the empty space. I am also going to seperate these photos with white lines to divide them, I will put the page number that the photo relates to on the photo also.
Double Page Spread idea update

Hello guys, quick update here. I have taken influence from this mixmag magazine as it is very easy to read and it and in my opinion looks  great. I like how the cross on the page with the text matches the crosses in the image background. I will attempt to replicate this as my double page spread features a very prominent "Z" that could be manipulated into backgrounding my text.